boxed culture

Boxed Culture: Interpreting The Zero Sum

Interpreting The Zero Sum Lately, when I have been talking about games, I have run across a term. It is not Euro or Amerithrash. It is not Worker placement or Deck-builder. The term I am referring to is much more of a game theory term. The term is Zero Sum. Traditionally […]

Boxed Culture: Finding the Time

Finding the Time We all have  lives outside of board gaming. This can sometimes make getting together to play our favorite games hard. So how do you make time for doing something you love? Do you have to leave everything you know behind and move to a country where board games are […]

Boxed Culture: Gamers Teaching Gaming – Explain Your Self!

Gamers Teaching Gaming – Explain Your Self! Someone suggested the other day that I write an article about how to teach gaming. I was thinking about doing this for a bit but I was spurred to action with the confidence of another saying I was a fairly good teacher! I decided […]

Boxed Culture: Lovecraft, Gamification, and The Horrible Endless Void of Insanity

A colleague of mine loves H.P. Lovecraft even more than I do. He came across a YouTube video discussing the gamification of the Lovecraft/Cthulhu mythos. While the video is talking about video games we had an interesting discussion involving the board game world. That  is what I would like to discuss today […]

Boxed Culture: Restricting the Runs

A member of the LCG community here in Colorado indulged me with a conversation about the new Android: Netrunner card restriction lists. This list is titled NAPD Most Wanted List, appropriately thematic for the game it self. The cards on the list are those which Fantasy Flight Games has deemed improperly balanced […]

Boxed Culture: Hidden Agendas

Hidden Agendas This weekend co-writer Cait posted on Facebook about Cthulhu, our glorious savior, and his influence on board games. It was a funny Dork Tower comic about how Cthulhu’s ability to be Integrated into any game making the game more fun. Cait very much dislikes Game of Thrones: […]

Boxed Culture: Drawn Out Theme

Drawn Out Theme I just got my Kickstarter pledge from Mr. B Games for the game called Posthuman. This is a fantastic game about surviving a post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland in a journey to find the last bastion of humanity called The Fortress. The game takes a bit of time to play […]

Boxed Culture: Recovering From Gaming PTSD

This article is not meant to poke lightly at the term PTSD. As we adventure through the story of my situation keep in mind that as topical and light as it seems in my head, it was a very stressful nerve-racking time. I will just get started with my story. […]

Boxed Culture: A League Of Our Own

Often times a LGS will run events for gaming.  A draft for MTG, a tournament for Splendor, or even a league for an LCG. They will run these events to garner interest in a community surrounding a game or to build upon an already established community. These events are also a […]

Boxed Culture: A Tribute to Star Wars

A Tribute to Star Wars When Fantasy Flight Games obtain the ability to make Star Wars games everyone was excited. Not only was their favorite franchise getting more games made but a company known for making good games was at the helm of the endeavor. As a tribute to the new […]