Boxed Culture

Boxed Culture: The Literal Table-top 1

The Literal Table-top We play games all over the place. From dirty metal bar tables to felted wooden beasts built for the sole purpose of having games played on them. Sometimes we dont really care where we play but we all have at the very least a preference on the […]

Boxed Culture: The Power of the Card Side 2

The Power of the Card Side I told myself I was done with CCG booster-style games after playing Magic The Gathering for a few years and shifting to LCG’s (there will be an article from The Living Card Guy coming out soon regarding that topic) and being burnt so hard by dice […]

Boxed Culture: Along the Game-or Run

Along the Game-or Run In honor of Star Wars week, I wanted to talk about some of the less popular, or less well-known, Star Wars board games. The ones we hear about a lot like X-Wing, Armada, and Star Wars Destiny are all fantastic games, but there are a lot more […]

Boxed Culture: Comparing Cardboard – Mansions of Madness

Comparing Cardboard Mansions of Madness Typically on Boxed Culture I really do not do many board game reviews. There are plenty of wonderful other board game reviewers and I do not really feel like I would offer anything significant to their discussions. I have a few I like more than others […]

Boxed Culture: 2016’s Too-Late-For-the-Holidays Gift Guide

2016’s Too-Late-For-the-Holidays Gift Guide It is that time of year again where we spend lots of money on other people we love! Hopefully most of the people you love also love what you love so the gifts are awesome for everyone, haha. All selfishness aside here is a quick list […]

Boxed Culture: When Worlds Collide

When Worlds Collide Arkham Horror The Card Game was released last week. This new Lovecraftian LCG from Fantasy Flight Games sets out to combine the best parts of an RPG and LCG into one glorious package. It is set in FFG’s Arkham Files universe and it is really exciting! The […]

Boxed Culture: Introducing the Meta Scenario

Introducing the Meta Scenario Sounds like a pretty kool title, right?! Well it is, so you are right. Recently, I have been playing games that have required something a little more than a normal game. These are sometimes games I have played before and sometimes they are completely new games. […]

Boxed Culture: The Traveling Gamesmen

The Traveling Gamesmen I just recently got back from a business trip in San Francisco. I was a a giant convention called Dreamforce, which has little to no bearing on board gaming at all but I figured it would name drop. Anyway, while I was away, I noticed two thing about […]

Boxed Culture: The Experience of Playing a Game

The Experience of Playing a Game So, a long time ago I talked to Mike Fitzgerald about games. This weekend I played a game that made me think of that conversation again. This weekend I was taught Twilight Struggle and, boy-wowie, was it something.   Twilight Struggle is a pretty […]

Boxed Culture: What is a Confirmed Rumor Anyway?

What is a Confirmed Rumor Anyway? There has been a rumor floating around the board gaming world. This rumor has huge implications for people even if hey don’t know it yet. It affects grail game seekers, artisan hobby gamers, living card gamers, and especially amerithrash gamers. This rumor has the potential […]