
The LCG: New Life for Nertunner

New Life for Nertunner Android Netrunner has been falling by the wayside for me due to my mostly bad experiences at worlds last year playing the game. At the time, the game was in a spot where only a few decks were competitive. I will stop the train right here […]

The Hyperlane Report: Aurra At War

Aurra At War Holy Wowza! The new yellow spoilers from FFG got me in a tizzy to see if I can fix the Aurra/Jango deck. Specifically, two new cards have me wondering if it can be fast enough to win before dying. So let’s take a look. These two cards are […]

The Hyperlane Report: Battlefield Bonanza!

Battlefield Bonanza! Star Wars Destiny is a game of many parts, there are characters, dice, tokens and more, but one key component of any game is the battlefield. Where you fight your battles not only sets the theme and feel of the match, but also allows the players access to […]

The Hyperlane Report: How Special Can You Be?

 How Special Can You Be? Sometimes the best parts about playing games are learning about the complexities of the rules. I know it sounds weird to praise a game for its complexity which is generally talked about for its simplicity, but there are some things that just have to be explained. Also sometimes it […]

The LCG: The Imperial War Machine

The Imperial War Machine Ever since I started playing Star Wars LCG, which to be honest was only a year ago, one deck has dominated the Dark Side, Imperial Navy Capital Ships. The Imperial Entanglements Expansion really brought that faction some great tools and it easily became a dominant deck. […]

The Hyperlane Report: My Obsession with Rebel Trooper

My Obsession with Rebel Trooper For the last few articles I seem to really be enamored with feature images of Rebel Troopers. They seem to be as close to expendable in the movie as Stormtroopers, so we see lots of them. In that same light I guess that is kind […]

The LCG: A Gift from the Wall 1

A Gift from the Wall Recently a deck called The Builders has come out in AGOT LCG.  It topically seems degenerate, but in reality it is just a strong counter to a traditionally stagnant meta. Some people claim it is a NPE (negative player experience) deck, but perhaps that is […]