Roll the List

Roll the List #24 Dalton’s Take

Top 10 Party Music, Dalton’s Take I am not much for partying. I don’t have a taste for alcohol and I am rather claustrophobic. Lots of people in a small amount of space with blaring music is not my cup of tea. I therefore do not have a particular portion […]

Roll the List #24: Kyle’s Take

Roll the List #24: Top 10 Best Party Songs and Artists This week we are thinking about party music. I looked up a picture for party music and figured out it was not what I though it was. The picture depicted a club scene and people dancing, but I have […]

Roll the List: #23 Kyle’s Take

This week Dalton and I take on a more serious topic for Roll The List. Our free for all for the most controversial movie. These movies don’t just come along all the time and make us think,”Oh man that was spicy.” I have chosen The Interview for obvious reasons. Dalton […]

Roll the List #23: Dalton’s Take 1

RTL #23: Head-to-Head Most Controversial Film Kyle and I had the advantage and challenge of finding the most controversial films and pitting them against each other. With no restraint by category, Kyle and I were open to every genre and period. But with that comes the pressure of actually deciding […]

Roll the List #22: Dalton’s Take

Roll the List #22: Head-To-Head Underrated Comedy Comic, Dalton’s Take As I have mentioned previously, I lack the expansive experience in the comic book medium (outside of Marvel) to tackle this topic in a way I consider worthy. To exacerbate the problem, the category of “underrated” is constricting, immediately disqualifying […]

Roll the List #22: Kyle’s Take

Head to Head Underrated Comedy Comic Book We are looking at comic books two lists in a row, this thing must be rigged…. and that’s okay! I am here to convince you that Rocket Raccoon is probably the most comedically underrated comic that is out there and that Saga is a far second. […]

Roll The List # 21: Kyle’s Take

This weeks Roll the List is not so much a list but an article on our each of our favorite crazy, insane, off the wall comics that make you say whaaat?! I personally love a comic that throws me by being something I am not expecting. Amazon is great at […]

Clayface played a metaphor for various psycho-sexual conditions.

Roll the List #21: Dalton’s Take

[Dalton]’s Top Whaaat?!? Comic Firstly, I will start this RTL with my concept of what exactly a whaaat?!? comic is. A whaaat?!? comic should be against the conventional means of comic book cliches and regularities. It should contain some form of shock value, whether that be via plot, climactic conclusion, […]

Roll The List # 20: Kyle H.

Top 5 Underrated Rock Songs I choose to do songs because I am a loose cannon and I have nothing to lose, also because I wanted to put a little more focus into my list this week. Some times songs just speak to you and other people have no idea […]

Roll the List # 19: Kyle’s Take

Top 5 Cult Shooter Video Games is the topic this week. This one is a great topic and I cannot wait to see what my other members from The Aeither put on their lists. 5. GoldenEye– This was on of the first games we all ever played probably. The RCP90 […]