
RtL#38: Ryan’s Take on Head to Head Controversial Musical Moment 1

Controversial Topics in Music The Death of Euronymous In this session of Roll the List, I am tasked with finding the most controversial topic in rock music that I can muster.  My opposition is ever debated Dave Grohl versus Kurt Cobain.  While I should ask for clarity on what that means, […]

RtL#38: Dalton’s Take On Head to Head Controversial Musical Moment 1

Kurt Cobain and Dave Grohl vs. Death of Euronymous Why Euronymous is less controversial This is admittedly a very difficult argument to make. The Satanist death/black metal rockers are inherently controversial, with their death threats, arsons, suicides, and murders to boot. But…perhaps it is the culture they are associated with […]

Roll the List #23: Dalton’s Take 1

RTL #23: Head-to-Head Most Controversial Film Kyle and I had the advantage and challenge of finding the most controversial films and pitting them against each other. With no restraint by category, Kyle and I were open to every genre and period. But with that comes the pressure of actually deciding […]