Addicted to Cards: An Intro to my Addiction

Addicted to Cards An Intro to my Addiction Any avid readers of this blog will understand this new segment right away, but I will say it for the rest of you reading for the first time. I am addicted to card games. I have bought every card from every LCG […]

The LCG: In-Best-igator

In-Best-igator I have been playing Arkham Horror The Card Game for a long while now. I would even say it is one of my favorite games at the moment. Each aspect of the game is designed to make you feel like you are living the character you are playing. From […]

The Hyperlane Report: Empire at War – Dice Based Pseudonyms Part 1 4

Empire at War Dice Based Pseudonyms Part 1 One of the best parts of getting a new set is opening boxes of new cards. I however also get the awesome addition of having my significant other make up some of the most hilarious names for cards based on their dice. […]

The LCG: New Life for Nertunner

New Life for Nertunner Android Netrunner has been falling by the wayside for me due to my mostly bad experiences at worlds last year playing the game. At the time, the game was in a spot where only a few decks were competitive. I will stop the train right here […]

The LCG: The Imperial War Machine

The Imperial War Machine Ever since I started playing Star Wars LCG, which to be honest was only a year ago, one deck has dominated the Dark Side, Imperial Navy Capital Ships. The Imperial Entanglements Expansion really brought that faction some great tools and it easily became a dominant deck. […]