Dice Based Pseudonyms

The Hyperlane Report: Way of The Force – Dice Based Pseudonyms Part 2

Way of The Force Dice Based Pseudonyms Part 2 Welcome back to dice-based pseudonyms! If you don’t know what I am talking about, please see my previous articles here! Basically, my SO says funny things when we open up packs of Destiny and this is part 2 of the results of […]

The Hyperlane Report: Way of The Force – Dice Based Pseudonyms

Way of The Force Dice Based Pseudonyms Welcome back to dice-based pseudonyms! If you don’t know what I am talking about, please see my previous articles here! Basically, my SO says funny things when we open up packs of Destiny and these are the results of your box openings for Way […]

The Hyperlane Report: Dice Based Pseudonyms – Legacies

Dice Based Pseudonyms Legacies Everyone excited for another entry in, probably, the best segment I don’t even creatively partake in! If you wanna know more about what this segment is, go here. This set had some really funny names and also some great cards so get ready for a pretty fun time! Modified HWK-290 – Turtle […]

The Hyperlane Report: Empire at War – Dice Based Pseudonyms Part 1 4

Empire at War Dice Based Pseudonyms Part 1 One of the best parts of getting a new set is opening boxes of new cards. I however also get the awesome addition of having my significant other make up some of the most hilarious names for cards based on their dice. […]