Yearly Archives: 2015

Roll the List #35: Cait’s Take 1

Top 10 Best Sci-Fi Board Games For this week’s Roll the List, we’ll be discussing our top ten science fiction board games. The beauty of science fiction is that it encompasses an incredibly broad range of settings. For the purposes of my list, I’ll be going with Robert A. Heinlein’s […]

Boxed Culture: Con-stant Influx

It has not been a slow week in board gaming. With Essen just finishing up and us getting into the holiday season, there has been so much news lately that I could choose what to cover. However, I was looking back through all the Boxed Culture articles I have written and I noticed I have never talked about […]

En-gage: Because I just bought a typewriter

  Do you wear over-sized glasses? Enjoy flannel and beards? Have you recently started buying records? Have a typewriter? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you might be a hip-ster (n.): a person who follows the latest trends of fashions, especially those regarded as being outside the […]

Graphic Reviews: Colder

Warning: This review will feature some disturbing and graphic artwork so if you’re squeamish, you might want to skip this one. In honor of the spirit of Halloween, this month I will be focusing on graphic novel series that deal with some aspect of horror. Since I touched on zombies […]

A Bard’s Eye View: Surprising Cameos in Music

Surprising Cameos in Music   Have you ever been listening to a song and then you suddenly realized…you know the guest vocalist?  You search through the CD leaflet or check on Wikipedia and…sure enough, it’s the person you thought it was.  I’ve had a few of those revelations in the […]

Boxed Culture: A Gale-like Force 1

I just got back from my local board game night. I had a great time, just in case you were wondering. Most importantly I tried out WWE Superstar Showdown. I know proceed to laugh… … Okay no that you are done I would like to spend this weeks article praisng […]

En-gage: to carry life (v.)

Birth-days (n.). We all have them. When we’re little we invited our entire class to share cake with us. We can’t wait until we can open the presents. As we get older, some people refuse to admit that they have a birth-day. When asked how old they are, they stick […]

Graphic Reviews: iZombie

As someone who spends a lot more time reading than I do watching television, I find that I always have this compulsion to read the book first when I hear about a movie or television show based on a book. This tends to mean that my to-read list just grows […]