Monthly Archives: November 2015

Roll the List #37: Ryan’s Take 2

Top 5 Cult RPG Video Games Anyone who knows me knows that when it comes to RPGs, I am a traditionalist.  I prefer my games to be in the JRPG style with the turn-based format.  While I do enjoy action-RPGs, I haven’t really gotten to experience the newer western-style RPGs […]

What's not to love?

Roll the List #37: Garion’s Take 2

Top 5 Cult RPG Video Games My definition of “cult” in reference to media means that while a game or movie did not experience huge commercial success, it achieved a dedicated fan base.  Some of these games may even be critically acclaimed, but for some reason never resonated with the general public. […]

Boxed Culture: Too Many Boxes!! 1

This week on boxed culture I wanted to talk about organization of your collection. I have ran out of room for my games and they are piling all over the floor. Not something am proud of, but it happens. Before I reached this step I used to love to keep my games organized […]

En-gage: Needwant

As humans, we all have needs. I’m sure you’re all familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The hierarchy begins with physiological needs and moves up to the need of self-actualization. What is need? Need (v.): require (something) because it is essential or very important; synonym–want. Need (n.): circumstances in which […]

Graphic Reviews: Rat Queens

I lay claim to the geek label on a fairly regular basis so it’s probably not much of a surprise that some of my fondest memories of being a teenager are of the tabletop role playing games we used to play. I remember having marathon sessions of Dungeons and Dragons where […]

Boxed Culture: The Fulfillment-en-ing

Kickstarter is a very strange beast. People use it to help fund passions they have. Companies use it as a medium to measure demand for potentially risky endeavors. Some organizations even use it to promise the future and most of them even follow through! About a year ago I got […]

En-gage: Because cal-en-dars tick

Every Christmas I receive a new cal-en-dar to hang in my kitchen as well as a planner to write down every appointment and to-do list throughout the year. I keep both a physical and electronic cal-en-dar. Cal-en-dar (n.): a chart or series of pages showing the days, weeks, and months […]