
Graphic Reviews: Regression

Regression As we creep closer to Halloween, more and more of us are testing our own courage in the spirit of the season. This week, a few friends asked if I wanted to go to a haunted house. Per my usual, my answer was hell no. While I love being […]

Graphic Reviews: Through the Woods

Through the Woods As anyone who reads this may have noticed, I have been MIA for a bit now. My apologies for the unannounced hiatus, grad school is currently kicking my butt. This week I’m returning to the regularly scheduled programming with the start of a horror comics binge for […]

En-gage: Because cal-en-dars tick

Every Christmas I receive a new cal-en-dar to hang in my kitchen as well as a planner to write down every appointment and to-do list throughout the year. I keep both a physical and electronic cal-en-dar. Cal-en-dar (n.): a chart or series of pages showing the days, weeks, and months […]

Boxed Culture: 50 Shades of Munchkin.

Halloween is coming! If you are not excited then you are not paying attention! There are so many great Halloween board games, that you would have to be crazy to not be gaming your face off. In fact, we are having a huge board game event at my LGS. One […]

En-gage: Time to Carve Fruit!

On October 31, we celebrate Hal-low-een (n.): the eve of All Saints’ Day (a Christian festival in honor of all the saints, possibly held on November 1 to combat the harvest festivals and Pagan feasts), commonly celebrated by children who dress in costume and solicit candy or other treats door-to-door. […]