
The Scoop: Casual Contemplation – U/G Godzilla

As mentioned in our first post on Casual Contemplation, don’t come here looking for something you can take to FNM, but these decks are definitely something fun and (usually/mostly) affordable you can take to the kitchen table to impress your friends with your crazy and creative combo skills. My Casual […]

Con Talk: Denver Comic Con 2017 Day 2 – Panel Pandemonium

Denver Comic Con 2017 Day 2 Panel Pandemonium   Hey, Aeitherkins. Dalton here, bringing you the latest from the 2017 DCC panels. I’ve got notes from the Nathan Fillion, Weird Al Yankovic, and Millie Bobby Brown panels. Check it out!  Nathan Fillion A couple of years back, Alan Tudyk graced […]

Moviephors: Metawars – A Brief Look at Star Wars Metaphors

Metawars – A Brief Look at Star Wars Metaphors Every film hides its own metaphors. Whether intentional or not, or requiring a particular worldview or perspective, the best and worst films in history have their own metaphors and/or symbolism rife within them. We simply need to look. Star Wars is […]

Boxed Culture: The Min-Max Effect

The Min-Max Effect Often as gamers we run into people that play games hard. Unlike the casual gamer who  enjoys being around friends and enjoying a story, these gamers find fun in making the best plays and optimizing the decision making process. As much as I don’t think things are […]