Audio Player
More audio issues, folks. I swear, we figure this out eventually. In the mean time, we start the Band Name Game. The list grows every day. Today’s the first day we take a crack at it. I’m not listing every single band, that’s Kevin’s job.
For Kyle, who doesn’t know who Kraftwerk are:
Clickbait Event Horizon – syfi dubstep or chiptune punk
Hipsters Fling Steel – Ironic folk or lumberjacks playing Irish music
Inverse Romboy – Bad House music or Kraftwork cover music or Math Rap
Bandoleer of Dongles – Run of the mill boring Ska band
Dramamine and Vodka – Emo or Evenesence cover band or Metal Enya
Milk Funhouse – Swedish or Japanese Pop band
Stomach Churning Gooch Punch – Ska version of Five Finger Death Punch
Spiteful Bespoke Bike Spoke Spokesman – Spoken-word Bob Dylan inspired beat poet who has a guitar but never plays it.
Apathy and Paper – a Capella punk band or A-Ca-Punk
MIGHTY DIGITAL HANKERING – Electric Banjo driven hillbilly live electronica
Broken Ropes and Twisted Stakes – Emo Pop or a bad Johnny Cash cover band (but must have a Behind the Music special)
Brandi and a Sword – Swedish or Finish Rock but with a lead singer named Brandi that only covers songs with Brandi or French Pirate Metal or Icelandic Saw (side note, this could be a band name in itself)
Lipstick on a Cigar – Female Tom Waits cover band
Synchronized Mincing – Live Dance troupe of women dressed as gay men or British punk band or A Capella
Phone Booth Knife Fights – Irish Rock or New York themed Panic at the Disco