SitSoC Episode 343: VirtSoc: Apocalypses(Apocalpisi?), Programming and Off-Roading
It’s kind of the end of the world as we know it, I guess, and I feel fine or something. Also, rock climbing is scarier when you’re in a car.
It’s kind of the end of the world as we know it, I guess, and I feel fine or something. Also, rock climbing is scarier when you’re in a car.
Kendric kinda freaks out about a button for some reason, then everyone reigns it in.
You know the drill at this point. Well, there’s no drills. There is this guy, though*:
Love a good travelsoc. Kevin finally went to Ireland!
Where Kyle has more confidence in Kendric than he should. Feel free to research more dumb programming languages here:
This week we talk about a few news topics and finally gush about how much we loved The Cursed
Takipnik – Sweet band. But seriously, wtf dude. I hate this object but I love this object: “Sarabande Handel”Royalty Free Music Licensed Under
We have absolutely no proof of that, whatsoever. Also, Kevin built a Bass Guitar, whatever.
This week we talk about Evil Dead: The Game and a bunch of movies we watched since the last episode.
We had several hard tangents for no real reason.Here’s an old video: