board games

Boxed Culture: Games That Do it Better Than Descent 3

Descent Second Edition seem to be the quintessential dungeon crawler, and with so many tiles, scenarios, and minis many may topically agree. I am gonna take a stand right here and say Descent Second Edition is anything but a dungeon crawl game. I found it to more of an action  optimization game. […]

Boxed Culture: Knocking You Down to Get Ahead

So I was talking to a friend recently about a game called Garden Dice. In the game you roll 4 dice and use the rolls to buy seeds, plant seeds, water seeds, and harvest plants. You gain victory points for harvesting plants and getting different collections of plants. The individual […]

Final Thoughts: City of Horror

So I am going to start a new heading for short reviews on things we here at love (movies, music, board games, books, etc). Final Thoughts will basically be the last paragraph of a full review. Think of this of it as an alternate version of TL;DR. This first […]