Dalton Rant

TL;DR Rant #5, A Stinger that Actually Stings

Marvel almost had it. Marvel almost made a movie devoid of no obvious flaws. Sure, Guardians of the Galaxy had moments of critique. It took getting through the first act to catch its stride (but boy did it hold that stride throughout the rest of the movie!) and it lacked […]

Dalton’s TL;DR Rant #4

Dalton’s TL;DR Rant #4: Everything Wrong with the Redskins Name I was browsing Reddit (imagine that) when I came across an NFL thread that was titled with a question: What is the greatest obstacle your team needs to overcome to be successful this season? The overwhelming responses involved injuries and defeating […]

Dalton’s TL;DR Rant #3 1

TL;DR Rant #3: The Problem with the NBA I often find that my opinions are most highly engaged when I read something so bizarre and ridiculous in the realm of sports or movies. Today, it was a sports article that set me off. I was reading an article that excused […]

A Dalton TL;DR Rant, #2

The Manager’s Manual, Revised Edition A friend of mine noticed that his manager had a recent change in behavior, from a fine, upstanding manager to a disrespectful, condescending jerk. In passing he mentioned that the owner had him read a manager manual on how to manage. I would like to […]

A Dalton TL;DR Rant, #1 1

TL; DR Rant #1 – Movie Theater Refunds I was reading an article on some movie news, as I often do. This particular article was showing some new trailers for a couple of upcoming films. One of the films was X-Men: Days of Future Past. Occasionally I will glance down […]