Monthly Archives: May 2014

Roll the List #5, Dalton’s Take

Head-to-Head: Counter-Strike vs. Quake In this week’s Roll The List, Kyle and I are duking it out over two popular but outdated FPSs. I have chosen Counter-Strike as my FPS of choice and Kyle has chosen Quake. Therefore, we shall do battle, as I bash Quake with everything I have! […]

Boxed Culture: The Flight of the Elders 2

Board gaming and table top gaming have many different genres. In Game Corner, so far, we have only talked about deck building games. Today we are going to delve into one of my favorite genres of anything ever, Horror! Specifically we are going to talk about Lovecraftian games. H.P. Lovecraft […]

A Dalton TL;DR Rant, #2

The Manager’s Manual, Revised Edition A friend of mine noticed that his manager had a recent change in behavior, from a fine, upstanding manager to a disrespectful, condescending jerk. In passing he mentioned that the owner had him read a manager manual on how to manage. I would like to […]

A Dalton TL;DR Rant, #1 1

TL; DR Rant #1 – Movie Theater Refunds I was reading an article on some movie news, as I often do. This particular article was showing some new trailers for a couple of upcoming films. One of the films was X-Men: Days of Future Past. Occasionally I will glance down […]