
Graphic Reviews: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Adaptations of any beloved material are a tricky tightrope to walk. No matter what you do, you’re likely to upset someone. If you don’t stick closely enough to the source material, then fans will feel betrayed (as films like I Am Legend and World […]

Graphic Reviews: Alex + Ada

Alex + Ada The danger of artificial intelligence is one of those cautionary tales with which we humans seem to be absolutely enamored. How many stories have we created in which we use science to fashion beings who will make our lives easier only to have said beings turn against us, […]

Graphic Reviews: Copperhead

One of the best aspects of science fiction is how broad and adaptable it is as a genre. There aren’t all that many genres that are comfortable tossing disparate elements like spaceships and Old West style gunslingers together but science fiction straddles both in the most entertaining, creative ways. This […]