games workshop

Boxed Culture: Approaching a New Age with Games Workshop 1

Approaching a New Age with Games Workshop If you have never read any of my articles, you may not know my previous feelings on Games Workshop. So let me tell you right now: Frustrated they ended their relationship with FFG because I liked the games they were putting out. Annoyed […]

Boxed Culture: Minis Versus Models 1

Minis Versus Models If you’re involved in our hobby at all you know that adding miniatures to your games makes it significantly more buyable. This isn’t just from seeing the Kickstarter hype over Bloodrage or Conan. This is true even from games published without the help of backers. We see […]

Boxed Culture: What is a Confirmed Rumor Anyway?

What is a Confirmed Rumor Anyway? There has been a rumor floating around the board gaming world. This rumor has huge implications for people even if hey don’t know it yet. It affects grail game seekers, artisan hobby gamers, living card gamers, and especially amerithrash gamers. This rumor has the potential […]